Thursday, September 25, 2014

World War 3. . . Has It Begun ?

Dear World,

     Biblical prophecies are coming to pass and they are unfolding ever so rapidly. I am sure you have taken notice, especially if you are a born again Christian. My belief is that every single biblical prophecy mentioned in the King James Version Bible, is really simply put a promise made to us by God himself.  He calls us to be watchmen. He gave us these signs to look for so that we would know when Jesus can be expected to return to us to redeem him to the the almighty Father. We can see these signs in the daily news headlines every single day. Every bit of it lines up just as how God said it would. In other words, he is keeping his promises and this should have Christians so excited! You will have those who say, "Well God said no man knows the hour or the day"...to that I say that is true. He did say that. However, he did say we will know the season! I am here to tell you this is the season of the Lord! He is coming back people! He told us to Watch! I hope you are paying attention my dear friends! We could be gone at any moment! This can happen just as fast as the moment you blink your eyes! I will say it again. JUST AS FAST AS THE MOMENT YOU BLINK YOUR EYES! 
    Doesn't that excite you? I am not saying this to invoke fear. I am not saying this out of paranoia. I am saying this because I love you and care about you. I care about your soul. I want to see you in Heaven. I want you to see your family and friends in heaven celebrating along with mine forever and ever! 
     It is no secret that the world is in deep, deep chaos. God used Matthew 24 and Luke 21 to tell us the signs he was near to coming back to us. There are other BOOKS in the Bible that reveal these signs as well. However I am just saying to you that if you read those 2 Chapters alone and you turn on your TV or look up the headlines in the daily news you will see everything is aligning just as said in the Bible. 
    There is a monster on the loose on this planet. A satanic spirit that invokes death and fear. They are not a terrorist organization or gang. They are a terroristic ARMY! Thousands of members and they are the richest, the most powerful, the most rapid moving, the most dangerous, deadliest  ARMY. They are called ISIS.  They are Islamic and they have been killing people in mass casualties by execution style killings and beheadings with a sword all in the name of Islam. What is being done about it?
    The nations across the world are trying to tackle these demons everywhere they exist but they say it could take YEARS. They are in over 80 countries across the globe. U.S.A is leading the coalition. They are killing Christian's, non-believers, and westerner's. They are even killing other muslims! ISIS is driving families out of their homes with no where to go and they are killing and raping both men, women and yes even children...all for ALLAH - their god. They are creating all this madness, all this chaos because in Islam they believe that when chaos is inflicted on the rest of the world it will usher in their version of the Messiah known as the "Mahdi" and that they will go to heaven where 72 virgins are waiting for them. They truly believe this and this is what makes them so dangerous. They are waging a "Holy War" which is other wise known as a Caliphate. This means they want to take over the entire world and erase all borders and force Sharia Law on everyone in the world. 
    The United States and other Arab nations began dropping bombs in Syria where ISIS has it's roots and is thriving on Tuesday, September 23, 2014. This is the date I personally believe WW3 officially began. I am not catholic but even the Pope has said this is WW3. How many of you other Christian's feel that there is truth to this? Please comment below in the comment section. I really hope to see your replies on this. Don't fall asleep Church! Keep your eyes wide open! Stay awake and do not bury your heads in the sand. Your families need you! You have to do whatever you can to stay alive and fight this madness to keep your family protected and alive! You have to do this for them! This is your time to take a stand for Jesus's name! Which is a prophecy itself! Amen! 
     Jesus is near! Jesus is near! Rapture is coming soon! Are you ready? I ask you to get real with yourself and get right with God. Are you truly ready? If your not saved, please call on Jesus so you can be saved. Call on him to keep you from going to hell to burn in flames with Satan! Pray and stay prayed up! 
    Church you must pray and stay prayed up as well! Pray without ceasing!   I will be putting a letter together for my unsaved loved one's and those left behind in the Rapture. I will post it here in my blog and I will print several out for my family to keep in a nice folder...and I will put a little kit together for them.  I encourage you all to write a letter for your loved ones as well. They will need guidance. They will be scrambling in fear and wondering where did you go, what is going? They will scream in fear what is happening?! People will need to be told to read their bible. It will be their last chance to get saved! Before the 2nd coming when the battle between Jesus and Satan take place, known as Armageddon! 
   We need to prepare. Prepare now! ISIS is going global. The war on terrorism is going global. The bible says some of us will have to die for the sake of his name. Brother will turn against brother. Husband will turn against wife. Children will turn against their parents. Just please make sure you are ready! It is only going to get much worse, but do not fear! The Lord said these things must happen before he can come back to rapture us. Please get your bible's out and re-read Matthew 24 and Luke 21. Refresh the scripture so it is fresh inside your mind. Always remember God is in full control and Satan's days are numbered! Amen! 

Share this message with your loved ones.   

God bless you all.

Join my group on Facebook! American Christian's United Against I.S.I.S 

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