Sunday, December 30, 2012

Martial Law Coming in 2013???

There has been talk about Martial Law coming to America for quite some time now. People who are in the law enforcement field are starting to come out and speak about it. 2013 could be the year...so they say. Here is why it should at least spark some your interest especially if you have been preparing for this or if you own a gun legally or non legally for that matter...

1) The President of Iran has been trying to make a case to the U.N that American Civilians should lose their right to bear arms because they are being sanctioned by the U.S and this is one of his ways to try to get back at the U.S. He feels that we civilians are a threat to the rest of the world. They will also try to use the recent school shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School and other school shootings in the past as a platform as to why we should lose our right to bear arms in our own country.

2) The U.S government will also use these school shootings as a reason to take away our right to bear arms. They are looking into it right now and they are also looking to have our military patrol the schools as a means of security. They are talking about training teachers as well and arming the teachers, but the question then poses a disturbing threat...What will happen should a student or a trespasser get a hold of the gun in which the teacher possesses? 

3) Do you think this country is prepared for anything catastrophic? Just look at Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Sandy and all the school shootings...did the government really take care of those who have suffered? Many are still suffering from all incidents just mentioned! Fema does not truly help from the bottom of their hearts! They make families that they do help pay all the help back.

4) Don't believe everything the Mainstream media tells you! They are reading scripts and are forced to report things the government wants them to report. Many false flags are raised in the mainstream media. 

5) Just take 5 minutes and 34 seconds of your time to listen to this N.C Police Lieutenant warning us during a phone call about Martial Law coming to us in 2013...if you listen closely you will see why there should be some concern to us all. Hopefully this will open up your eyes. Whether this happens in 2013 remains to be seen. Time will tell. Either way its going to happen eventually. Its just a matter of when? If you think its not going to happen then you need to dig deep and do your own research so you are prepared and not taken off guard. I have pasted some helpful links on previous blogs below to help you and your family prepare for survival.

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