Monday, May 23, 2011


     So Obama gave a speech today in Ireland.  Who is this guy really? Today he claims he is more Irish than anyone. Where is he from? Sounds like he is from EVERYWHERE, if you ask ME. 

     If anything, his speech was good for at least a laugh.  Does anyone else notice that he keeps saying he is from here and there, and everywhere?...Kinda reminds me of the Old McDonald had a farm song. 

     Old McDonald had a farm, EEE - I - EEE- I- O, AND on his farm he had an Obama, EEE - I - EEE - I - O, WITH A LIE, LIE HERE, AND A LIE, LIE THERE, HERE A LIE, THERE A LIE, EVERYWHERE A LIE, LIE. Old McDonald had a farm,....EEE- I- EEE- I - O !!!!!!!

     Pray for this man please. People in Ireland were treating him like he is some kind of God. He is just a man like us who happens to be in a position of power because his campaign fooled us all. Yes, he played America. Why? Because this nation wanted "Change" and this nation had "Hope".  So faith was placed where it did not belong. That is how I see it. Will we ever know where he originate's from? That is what I want to know. Don't we all?

    This nation needs prayer and mercy from our Lord above.  Remember our future is not in Obama's hands, it is in our Father's hands. Do not let any many decieve you...even if he is President of The United States.  We deserve a good dose of TRUTH. The only place we are going to get a dose of Truth is in the word of God. Amen!

    Continue to be watchmen, and Rebuke falseness. That is the message I am trying to share. Know when you are being lied to. Irish, Hawaiian, Kenyan, supposedly American (and yes I realize Hawaiian is part of America lol...I am just making a point lol) ,...what else is on the list??? If he is part Irish, and his people can pull up his family tree, why is it we can not determine if he was born here.  His birth certificate and Social Security Number still are argumentable. BE WATCHMEN. God Bless.


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